Overseen presence of critical literacy in Mexico: Eight cases to be analyzed


  • Rosa María Quesada Mejía Universidad Iberoamericana




critical thinking, model teachers, communicative skills, educational standards


This article presents eight experiences of critical literacy pedagogy in public and private schools in Mexico. Methodologically, case studies were carried out, employing as unit of analysis the perspective and pedagogical practice of specific teachers. Based on Latin American views on critical literacy (Freire 1970; Hernández 2016), we reflect on the difference between educational environments where critical literacy is enacted vs those in which it is not. The key finding is that critical literacy is enacted not just in formal language classes (e.g. reading and writing courses), but also in courses of diverse contents; we also found that even teachers who declare not to work with critical literacy in mind, they actually enact it in their pedagogy practice. In conclusion, the quality of education would significantly improve if the teachers developed awareness of the possibilities that a critical approach lends to literacy work, for which they could use, as a model, experiences such as those presented in this article.


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Author Biography

Rosa María Quesada Mejía, Universidad Iberoamericana

Doctora en Pedagogía por la UNAM. Profesora en la Universidad Iberoamericana, campus Santa Fe, Ciudad de México. Línea de investigación: cultura escrita y literatura infantil y juvenil.


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