Contributions to transdigital education




transdigital education, digital technology, hybrid learning


Transdigital education proposes that there is a symmetrical importance between the human and the non-human when learning; that learning is not a human prerogative, and that the learner has always used resources to learn. This perspective offers an educational landscape with scopes outside institutional boundaries and close to the personal construction of learning. This work offers contributions to transdigital education from the analysis of the transversality of digital technology in everyday life. These contributions are the result of a detailed documentary research where historical background, conceptual proposals, characterizations, comparisons, and classifications that support the proposal are addressed. Thus, transdigital education observes that learning occurs spontaneously within an educational network when human and non-human elements are associated. Therefore, the learner sustains changes to the educational context from the human-digital technology relationship and the residue of this association is knowledge. In this sense, it is necessary to deepen the discussion on the educational network of associations, the learning of the non-human and the methodology of transdigital education.


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Author Biography

Rosalba Palacios-Díaz, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Maestra en Innovación en Entornos Virtuales de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje por la Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro. Profesora de cátedra en la Facultad de Lenguas y Letras de la misma universidad. Líneas de investigación: estudios sobre la experiencia educativa, desarrollo teórico del concepto de educación transdigital, investigación educativa con tecnología digital.


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