Transmedia literacy, a cross-curricular approach




transmedia literacy, educational design research, higher education, exposure states


In this essay transmedia literacy was proposed as a cross-curricular teaching-learning strategy to facilitate information processing tasks: Search, evaluation, organization, and creation. This inquiry focused on describing the potential changes that transmedia literacy training has in the exposure states of undergraduate students, to help them make connections between different texts and create one. The methodology was the educational design research that helped to compared after and before transmedia literacy training to identify changes in exposure states in information processing tasks. The design prototype was adapted to eight sessions of a unit of intercultural course for first-semester students in the fall 2018 in a private university in the state of Morelos, Mexico. The result of the implementation was a series of disengagements: Of the task with the subject; of theory to practice; the value of the sessions for the value of the final grade; and the content with the form. These disassociations showed up the use that students give to digital technology, their penchant for infotainment and their multitasking behavior.



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Author Biography

Andrea Medina Téllez Girón, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos

 Doctora en Educación con línea de investigación en educación y tecnología por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos. Consultora en procesos educativos ramo empresarial y académico e investigadora independiente. Ha impartido clases a nivel superior y medio superior. Líneas de investigación: literatura electrónica, cultura digital, transmedia, hermenéutica simbólica, sistemas culturales, lectoescritura y educación.




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