The body as a dimension of integral formation in university and high school
comprehensive education, corporality, higher education, upper secondary educationAbstract
This article shows the recovery of the experience of corporeality in students of higher education and upper secondary level of private institutions of Christian inspiration. The research aims to develop a generational characterization of the young students of these institutions to guide the offer of integral formation regarding the experience of sexuality and affectivity, the dynamics of the body, its manifestation and self-care. A survey was applied with 27,047 participants from 65 educational establishments nationwide. The results indicate that there is empirical evidence of differences between men, women and those who did not declare their gender about their bodies. Through the analysis of the information, the differences between groups and educational levels regarding satisfaction with their bodies, substance use, sexuality and sports activities were determined, as well as the differences between educational levels. In accordance with situations of risk and vulnerability identified, the formalization of initiatives from the curricular and the transversality of school education is proposed, beyond preventive and remedial actions.
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