Resilience: Convergence of emotions and teaching experiences in distance education in times of COVID-19
resilience, pandemic, distance education, teacher characteristics, teaching practiceAbstract
The objective of this article is to analyze resilient actions that primary education teachers developed personal and collective forms for students' and families’ attention during distance education derived from the Covid-19 pandemic. This study is supported by The Substantiated Theory as an analysis tool, several interviews were made online and by telephone with twenty primary teachers from eight states of the Mexican republic. The main findings are divided into: a) group resilience which includes the formation of support networks with different community sectors that are served to give continuity to academic activities; management actions that directors and teachers carried out to meet the challenge of technology enablement and attention to the constant administrative demands; innovative strategies that were implemented in an emergent form to maintain the communication with students and families; and b) individual resilience which included the implementation of emotional support strategies development of a rapid adaptation and renewal of their practice; support through empathy and solidary actions; creative activities in rural and indigenous zones without technological mediation, that in some cases generated negative consequences like physical and emotional exhaustion.
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