The role of mentoring in the professional image construction




mentoring, professional image, legal profession, social skills, work dress


This research analyses the informal mentoring influence in the professional image construction of recent law graduates. Mentors are usually professional image models for their apprentices, for they teach them to project technical efficiency and sociocultural consistency in their daily performance. Both characteristics are valuable in institutionalized organizations, such as those dealing with legal matters, where not only specialized knowledge is expected from new graduates, but also satisfactory and suitable behavior as well as a certain appropriate dress code for this kind of organizational culture. A qualitative perspective was used to analyze the data obtained through interviews with law graduates from private and public institutions in México State. The results show that clothing is a powerful sign of professional competence, although its value depends on different elements.


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Author Biography

Mitzi Danae Morales Montes, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

Doctora en Ciencias, especialidad de Investigaciones Educativas, por el Cinvestav-IPN. Profesora-investigadora de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, unidad Lerma. Líneas de investigación: educación superior privada, egresados universitarios, análisis organizacional.


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