Essential, insufficient, incoherent, and instrumental: Teacher training to learn to live together




convivencia, conflicto, formación docente, políticas educativas


This article analyses five European case studies (Croatia, France, Italy, Spain, and Sweden), comparing teacher training policies on conflict transformation and peaceful coexistence at school. After analysing educational laws, curriculums and teacher training policies in each of those countries, the article further verifies to what extent pre-service and in-service teacher training relating to conflict transformation is actually guaranteed in practice, and to what extent the administration sufficiently monitors the effectiveness of their peaceful coexistence policies. Despite identifying some good practices, the article concludes that teacher training policies on coexistence in those examined countries are essential but still insufficient, incoherent, and instrumental, and far from achieving the objective of training pupils to learn to live together.


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Author Biography

Cécile Barbeito Thonon, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona

Máster en Evaluación Educativa. Formadora e investigadora en la Escuela de Cultura de Pau de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. Líneas de investigación: ciencias políticas, cultura de paz y salud mental en casos de violencia política.


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