
Hybrid learning environments




The broadest definition of hybrid education is the articulation of learning opportunities that combine both classroom and digital traditions. However, this conceptual umbrella is very general, since the nuances of the notion of hybrid learning environment are as diverse as the educational needs that generate them and the approaches or designs with which they are sought to be implemented. It is not only about thinking about education + internet, but rather about understanding an educational process that integrates elements of distinct nature within the same environment. As Floridi (2015) argues, information and communication technologies delimit environments that affect, among other aspects, our self-concept, our perception of reality and the interactions derived from it. The Internet draws an environment of action and representation in where people live and learn which combines overlaps or hybridizes with other classic educational environments. According to Wegerif (2013), this would be one of the biggest impacts of the internet on education: having blurred the demarcations of education. Thus, it is urgent to respond to the pedagogical demand of understanding, analyzing and valuing the opportunities and dilemmas that digital technology holds, upon the imminent construction of hybrid learning.


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Author Biographies

Cristóbal Suárez-Guerrero, Universidad de Valencia, España

Doctor en Educación por la Universidad de Salamanca, España. Profesor en la Universidad de Valencia. Líneas de investigación: didáctica, pedagogía, tecnología educativa, cultura digital.

Liliana Guadalupe García Ruvalcaba, ITESO, AC

Doctora en Educación. Profesora en el ITESO. Líneas de investigación: diseño de entornos de aprendizaje, aprendizaje en contextos emergentes de aprendizaje, mediación del aprendizaje, aprendizaje mediado por tecnologías, procesos de recuperación de la práctica educativa.

