Motivational climates, basic psychological needs, and motivation in athletes at a private institution
motivational climate, basic psychological needs, motivationAbstract
Analyzing motivational climates from the perspective of the Duda et al. (2018) model, the main objective of this work was to know if the autonomous and controlled motivation of athletes can be influenced by the motivational climate (empowering and disempowering) generated by the coach, through the three basic psychological needs (satisfied and thwarted). The sample consisted of 542 young athletes aged 11 to 16 years (M = 14.07, SD = 1.28). The results confirm that the empowering climate is positively and significantly related to the satisfaction of each of the basic psychological needs, and these in turn are positively and significantly related to autonomous motivation, and the mediating effect of the three basic psychological needs was also confirmed. On the other hand, disempowering climate is positively and significantly related to the frustration of each of the basic psychological needs, and these, in turn, are positively and significantly related to controlled motivation; only the mediating effect of the frustration of the need for competence and relatedness was confirmed.
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