The contribution of the new Mexican culture to education for world citizenship
global citizenship education, integral education, pedagogical models, basic educationAbstract
A couple of years ago, Unesco suggested transforming educational models based on an integral and humanist paradigm in order to train new generations with a social and civic dimension, based on human rights. In this essay we propose to analyze the work of education as a preferential instrument not only to develop traditional school skills, but also as an action to form citizens with a sense of responsibility and social self-awareness that promote a culture of peace. The citizen-subject represents an identity or discursive construction that is forged in the social framework in which it is situated, always in tension between individual freedom, autonomy and collective normative frameworks (Cerda, 2004), hence the interest in approaching from a critical perspective of discourse analysis (Van Dijk, 2014) to the proposal of the new educational model of Mexico called the New Mexican School (2022) and open the discussion on this pedagogical model and the formative fields that affect education for global citizenship.
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