About the thematic section

Each thematic issue published by Sinéctica has coordinators who are academics either from ITESO or from another institution, whose function is to propose a relevant and current topic in the educational field.

The coordinators of each issue are specialized, up-to-date researchers on the issue being addressed; they are familiar with the latest discussions, the main actors and authors, the scenarios and the bibliography related to the topic.

Their main contribution consists of defining the central topic of the issue with its delimitations and scope, proposing potential specialist authors, as well as possible referees. They are also in charge of pre-screening manuscripts submitted in response to the call for papers.

In summary, the responsibilities of the coordinators of each thematic section are:

  • To define the central topic of the issue.
  • To submit a list of potential authors (approximately fifteen).
  • To publish the call for papers among their peers and educational institutions.
  • To propose referees to be invited to review the articles.
  • To write the presentation of the issue.