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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article has not been previously published (fully or partially) nor has it been submitted for consideration with any other magazine in parallel, nor does it appear online as part of the records of any congress; therefore, it is an original and unpublished collaboration.
  • The contents of the article are the product of the work of the author(s) and all references are duly referenced or included in the final bibliographical list.
  • The text complies with the stylistic and bibliographical requirements summarized in the Author guidelines that appear in the section About the magazine.
  • The subject developed in the article belongs to the educational field and tends to the understanding and improvement of education.
  • By sending the article to a section evaluated by peers of the magazine, the author commits to following the instructions of the section Ensure an anonymous evaluation.
  • In the metadata specified after uploading the file, the following information will be included in the section Biographical summary: full name of the author(s), academic degree and discipline, institution and department in which he/she works, duties he/she performs and lines of investigation. In addition to: mailing address, phone number, e-mail, and preferably: Twitter, Facebook account and blog.
  • Whenever possible, URL addresses will be provided in the article for the references.
  • The file submitted must be in Word.
  • For the purposes of dissemination of the article on the Web and in order to broaden communication between the author and readers, Sinéctica shall include in the article the e-mail of the author and shall post information on the document in social media, tagging the contact of the author. In case the author does not agree with this, it must be notified to the publisher.
  • Images or graphics are included in the article, but they must also be sent as separate files (in .jpg), so that the image quality can be preserved.

Author Guidelines

By beginning the development of any paper, it is necessary to keep in mind some characteristics that facilitate the method in which an original document must be submitted, in order to achieve uniformity and clarity. This is the purpose of the text below that we place at the disposal of those interested in publishing in Sinéctica. It contains the specifications required regarding the structure, form, style and typographic conventions, notes and bibliographical references. The Editorial Board of the magazine reserves the possibility to make these instructions more flexible and to make any necessary modifications.

We must emphasize that Sinéctica only takes into consideration unpublished works that are not in an arbitration process with other magazines. The content of the articles is the absolute responsibility of the authors.



The article must have:

a) A title (of no more than 12 words)

b) An abstract, comprised of a maximum of 200 words. This information summarizes what is presented in the article; in this part there must be no abbreviations, initials or acronyms.

c) Abstract in English

d) Three to five keywords (except for reviews), which must conceptualize the main points addressed in the article.

e) An introductory part that includes at least real problems, as well as problems of knowledge about the object of study, which justify the creation of the article; objectives and methodology; as well as theoretical aspects when these are not discussed in a separate section.

f) The development: the argumentation and contribution of the author to the subject of study. All empirical information must have its source and theoretical referent.

g) Conclusions; final proposal reached after the analysis of the evidence, discussions or premises. It must be a reflective reprocessing of the results with a high abstraction level and not a repetition of the results.

h) Bibliographical references.

i) It is important to clarify that Sinéctica does not accept footnotes, of either a bibliographical or explanatory character.



  1. The works must be developed in Windows Microsoft Word or compatible, with number pages of 28 lines with 65 characters each, 12 point Arial font, justified paragraph.
  2. The cover sheet must include the title of the article (of no more than 12 words), full name of the author(s), mailing address, phone number, e-mail and, preferably: twitter, Facebook account and/or blog. In addition to a brief curriculum that includes: academic degree, institution and department where the author works, duties he/she performs and lines of investigation. This information will be registered at the time of entering the metadata and must not be included in the file to be submitted, all this with the purpose of ENSURING AN ANONYMOUS EVALUATION.
  3. All titles must be written in capital letters, 12 points, rounded font and in white. And the sections must be in italics, white, using upper and lower case.
  4. The length of the research articles and essays must be a minimum of 18 pages and a maximum of 30 pages and reviews must have a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 4 pages. The Editorial Board may authorize works longer than 35 pages when they consider it pertinent.
  5. Tables, graphs and figures must contain successive Arabic numbering, centered title in rounded font, as well as source (as the case may be). They must express the idea by themselves, i.e., they must not require reading the text to be understood. This information must be inserted in the article in the precise location and each must also be sent separately, in a .jpg file.
  6. Any illustration or photograph must be credited and footnoted; and as with the previous elements, they must be uploaded in .jpg files.
  7. The first paragraph after a title must not be indented. The first line of the following paragraphs must have an indentation of an em space.
  8. When a work has headings, these must be marked at two thirds plus an em space of the width of the box, at a smaller point than the rest of the text, right-justified and in italics. The signature and the source must be in a rounded font, without spacer, in a separate line and right-justified. If the last line of the heading is short, the signature can be included in the same line.
  9. Citations, when they are comprised of five full lines or more, must be separated from the body of text with a space of an upper and a lower line, without quotation marks, of a smaller font to that of the body of text and with a greater margin. Those that are comprised of up to four lines will be included in the text in quotation marks. If the citation is in another language, the translation must be included with a copy of the original text.
  10. Bibliographical references and citations must be in line with the APA criteria.
  11. Words in a foreign language must be written in italics.

Thematic research

We receive papers that report the results of educational research projects that make a better comprehension of the studied phenomenon possible, in a manner that is consistent with the methodology employed, and with the theoretical-conceptual bases that support it. These must be undisclosed academic documents.

The texts must comply with the thematic call guidelines published in this site.

The minimum length of the articles is of 18 pages with a maximum of 25 pages, not counting graphs, figures, tables and bibliographical references. The papers, in addition to complying with the Author guidelines, must have the following elements:

a) Introduction, contextualization and problematization of the subject.

b) Theoretical and conceptual framework on the subject or phenomenon.

c) Methodological framework that describes in detail the approaches, methods, techniques and instruments used in the gathering of empirical information and its analysis.

d) Results of the project, the argumentation and the contribution of the author to the subject of study. All empirical information must have its source and theoretical referent.

e) Conclusions and implications for the educational practice. These represent the final proposal reached after the analysis of evidence, discussions or premises, and must be a reflective reprocessing of the results with a high level of abstraction and not a repetition of the results.

f) Correctly cited bibliographical references.

Thematic essays

We accept submissions of papers that deal with some educational aspect or subject from a substantiated and propositional perspective and which are not strictly the result of a research project.

These essays must comply with the guidelines of the thematic calls, published in this site.

The essays must be characterized for exploring and problematizing the educational reality in a clear, systematic and coherent manner. They are free constructions that, nevertheless, must comply with the Author guidelines and comprise the following elements:

a) An introductory part that includes real problems, as well as problems of knowledge about the object of study, which justify the creation of the article.

b) Theoretical aspects when these are not discussed in a separate section.

c) Development of the argumentation and contribution of the author to the subject of study.

d) Conclusions and final proposal reached after the analysis of the evidence. This is a reflective reprocessing of the results with a high abstraction level.

e) Correctly cited bibliographic references based on the APA (American Psychological Association) criteria manual.

Research articles (open section)

We receive papers that, without responding to the thematic of the current calls, report the results of educational research projects that allow a better comprehension of the studied phenomenon in a consistent manner with the methodology employed and with the theoretical-conceptual bases that support it. They must be undisclosed academic documents.

The minimum length of the articles is of 18 pages with a maximum of 25 pages, not counting graphs, figures, tables and bibliographical references. The papers, in addition to complying with the Author guidelines, must have the following elements:

a) Introduction, contextualization and problematization of the subject.

b) Theoretical and conceptual framework on the subject or phenomenon.

c) Methodological framework that describes in detail the approaches, methods, techniques and instruments used in the gathering of empirical information and its analysis.

d) Results of the project, the argumentation and the contribution of the author to the subject of study. All empirical information must have its source and theoretical referent.

e) Conclusions and implications for the educational practice. These represent the final proposal reached after the analysis of evidence, discussions or premises, and must be a reflective reprocessing of the results with a high level of abstraction and not a repetition of the results.

f) Correctly cited bibliographical references.

Essays (open section)

We accept papers that deal with some educational aspect or subject from a substantiated and propositional perspective and which is not strictly the result of a research project.

These essays cover various themes different from those referred to in the current calls.

We expect texts that explore and problematize the educational reality in a clear, systematic and coherent manner. Due to its inherent characteristics, the essays are free constructions that, nevertheless, must comply with the Author guidelines and comprise the following elements:

a) An introductory part that includes real problems, as well as problems of knowledge about the object of study, which justify the creation of the article.

b) Theoretical aspects when these are not discussed in a separate section.

c) Development of the argumentation and contribution of the author to the subject of study.

d) Conclusions and final proposal reached after the analysis of the evidence, discussions of premises. This is a reflective reprocessing of the results with a high abstraction level.


Discussion contributions, thematic, methodological and book reviews, whose own characteristics require introduction, development of the text, presentation of concepts and evidence, as well as conclusions that show internal consistency and argumentative clarity. The minimum length is of 3 pages with a maximum of 4 pages.

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses included in this magazine shall be used exclusively for the purposes established therein and shall not be provided to third parties or for their use for any other purposes.