Family involvement in high school: A strategy to improve student permanency
family involvement, high school education, student outcomes, student permanencyAbstract
A growing body of research confirms the importance of the family-school relationship during the early and elementary childhood education; however, scant research has ad- dressed this topic with regard to high school education. This paper focuses on the concept of family involvement in education and explores its relationship to high school students’ outcomes; it assumes that family involvement in education remains central in this stage, adolescence, as students continue to grow up, as well as for its strategic role in promoting school retention in this level of education. This review relies on the Epstein’s model, which suggests different levels of family involvement; it also points out family and school practi- ces that promote students’ outcomes. Based on this, we analyze some strategies identified in the literature that may be helpful for Mexican high schools in order to improve family involvement, which in turn could contribute to face one of the challenges of this educatio- nal level: high school students’ retention.
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