Discourse and academic texts. Definitions for a teachers school writing center
literacy, academic discourse, academic writing, literacies, writing centers, initial teacher training., literacy, academic discourse, academic writing, writing centers, initial teacher training.Abstract
This paper states a review of concepts related to academic texts writing from a functionalist and interactionist perspective of discourse and language, its aim is to contribute to the definition of the theoretical-pedagogical model of a writing center in an “Escuela Normal” (teacher’s training school). Academic literacy is inserted in the context of initial teacher training and within the practices of a writing center that reflects on its object and its field of action. Both the social and epistemological aspects of common writing practices in higher education are addressed, as well as the challenges faced by the production of academic texts in this field, to achieve a better understanding concerning to the needs of tutoring and scaffolding towards the target population. Findings lead to conclude that the knowledge of the features of speech and language that crystallizes in the academic texts at college, particularly during the initial training of teachers, allows the understanding of the way in which students adapt to the academic practices valued by the educational institution, within a process of inculturation that has a social, cognitive and linguistic nature.
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