Features of the tasks linked to the engagement to learning the trade. An approach from a workshop in work training space
non-formal education, trades learning, engagement, learning tasks. evaluative instances.Abstract
In recent years the offer of training in trades has increased considerably. The proposals for non-formal education for work respond to the new job demands, which demand skills-based training. The study aimed to analyze the properties of the proposed tasks in a context of job training and their link with the engagement to learning the trade. We worked with the workshop leader and 10 participants who attended a makeup training, offered in a city in the province of Córdoba (Argentina), from June to December 2017. Non-participant observations and individual interviews were carried out for data collection and semi-structured. The results obtained allow us to recognize that, in non-formal contexts, genuine work instances, which involve interaction and putting into practice the acquired knowledge, are potentially significant, promoting in the participants the engagement to learning the trade.
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