Educación para la ciudadanía en las aulas de primaria: una revisión sistemática




This systematic review aimed to identify the educational practices that basic level teachers, specifically primary education, implement in the classroom to promote a culture of peace through citizen training. For this, articles were collected between the years 2005-2021, in the ERIC, Education Source, Academic Search Ultimate and Redalyc databases. From the use of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 19 articles were analyzed. It was identified that a large number of studies have been developed in Europe. The most successful investigations have been those in which the teacher has received training for the development of citizenship in their students. It is concluded that a large part of the studies are oriented towards understanding the teacher's perceptions about citizenship; on the other hand, the studies where some intervention methodology was addressed in the classroom contributed significantly to the development of skills for citizen coexistence. Finally, the topic of education for global citizenship has more research development in European countries.


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Author Biographies

Gabriela Lizeth Cauich Alcalá, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán


Estudiante de la maestría en Investigación Educativa en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Línea de investigación: educación para la ciudadanía.



Norma Graciella Heredia Soberanis, Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán

Doctora en Investigación Educativa. Profesora en la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Línea de investigación: enseñanza, innovación educativa y currículo.



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