Formative assessment framework for Spanish teaching in primary education
curriculum alignment, primary education, literacy instruction, teacher evaluation, teacher competenciesAbstract
In Mexico no framework guides the formative assessment of Spanish language teaching in early years of primary school, where language acquisition is fundamental for the student's academic trajectory. The study aimed to develop and validate a framework for the formative assessment of teaching competencies in oral and written language instruction during the first and second years of primary education. The design, of a descriptive nature, involved: deriving pedagogical conceptions and demands from the national curriculum through qualitative content analysis; identifying assessment domains and components based on international literature; and designing and validating the framework based on psychometric techniques. The framework includes the domains: professional knowledge, teaching planning, didactic intervention, learning assessment, learning environment and professionalism (20 teaching competencies and 97 indicators). It is a useful tool for both teachers and educational authorities, as it allows providing feedback on language teaching practices based on validated guidelines.
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