Icon and phronesis in the Jesuits in the base ecclesial communities: the case of Lomas de Polanco





The education does not happen only in educated spaces, also it happens in diverse practical fields. One of them is the pastoral ambience from what the target of the present study is the recovery of the distinguishing pedagogic ones of the Jesuits in the Basic Ecclesial Communities in the neighborhood  Lomas de Polanco establishing as temporary frame his presence in the place from 1970 until 1994, year in the one that finished his pastoral participation in these communities of the colony, framed by diverse avenging struggles for the regularization of his properties and the securing of the basic services. The method implemented was the life storytechnique of 12 interviews with founding members through; in-depth interviews with 20 leaders and 30 heirs. The analysis was carried out with the help of analogical hermeneutics. Within the findings, the iconic dimension of the Jesuits as educators is recovered from the accompaniment in the mobilizations of the inhabitants of the colony and in the formation of personal and social discernment through the dynamics of reflection in action, and the practice of the Ignatian exercises in ordinary life.


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Author Biography

José Humberto Salguero Antelo, Universidad La Salle Noroeste, México

Doctor en Educación. Maestro e investigador en la Universidad La Salle Noroeste. Líneas de investigación: impacto social de la educación, epistemología de las ciencias sociales y la educación ética.


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