Entrepreneurship infrastructure and their relationship with entrepreneurial intention
higher education, public universities, entrepreneurs, mathematical models, educational infrastructure, business creationAbstract
This research’s aim is to understand how the entrepreneurial intention shown by university students in business and administration careers is influenced by factors related to the student's attitude, his surrounding context, expectations of becoming a licensed professional, and the infrastructure provided by the higher education institutions to support students in consolidating this intention. To demonstrate this, the theory of planned behavior was used as a basis, and through a structural equation model, it was proven that a university student's entrepreneurial intention shows a direct, statistically significant and strong relationship with the infrastructure designed to promote entrepreneurship. In other words, the more facilities, strategies, and resources a higher education institution has, such as courses on the topic, content in educational programs, business incubation centers, competitions, internships, funding mechanisms, and forums on business creation, the better the entrepreneurial spirit of young people will be promoted. Likewise, it was verified that the level of entrepreneurship among male students is higher than that of female students, through a hypothesis test for independent samples.
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