Current challenges of the Mexican monolithic school: The case of migrant transnational students


  • Colette Despagne
  • Mónica Jacobo Suárez


challenges, monolithic school, migrant transnational students


Return migration to Mexico is a growing phenomenon. According to the National Migration Institute, 1.6 Million Mexicans have been repatriated between 2010 and 2014. As consequence, hundreds of thousands of families are coming back to Mexico with their children. These children (transnational students), have grown up and studied in the United States. Today, they have to adapt to the Mexican school system, study in a different language, and learn different contents and cultural codes. This paper adds a new perspective to this research from critical applied linguistics by focusing on the educational challenges monolithic schools have to face. First, it offers a demographic description of transnational students in Mexico. Second, it focuses on their identity and linguistic challenges. Third, it discusses possible theoretical solutions, such as the creation of third intercultural spaces (Bhabha, 1994; Unesco, 2006) by including students’ funds of knowledge (González, Moll & Amanti, 2005) or multi-competences (Cook, 2002). Finally, we conclude with a reflection on the necessity for Mexican schools to shift their educational paradigm to be able to face the challenges of a globalized world.


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Author Biographies

Colette Despagne

Doctora en Educación Lingüística. Profesora-investigadora del Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. Sus líneas de investigación son sociolingüística, bi- y multilingüismo, lengua, poder e identidad.

Mónica Jacobo Suárez

Doctora en Política Pública y Desarrollo Internacional. Catedrática Conacyt comisionada al Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas, AC. Programa Interdisciplinario sobre Política y Prácticas Educativas. Sus líneas de investigación son reinserción educativa de migrantes retornados, educación bilingüe, y diseño y evaluación de programas y políticas públicas.


Como citar este artículo: Despagne, C. y Jacobo, M. (julio-diciembre, 2016). Desafíos actuales de la escuela monolítica mexicana: el caso de los alumnos migrantes transnacionales. Sinéctica, 47. Recuperado de:

