History of the journal

Sinéctica originated as a printed journal in 1992, based on a project undertaken by students from ITESO’s undergraduate program in Education Sciences. The original idea was proposed by Dr. Luis González Martínez, the undergraduate program coordinator, and inspired by the collective work promoted by Professor Guadalupe Valdés (Pitina). Two years later, under the direction of Dr. Rocío de Aguinaga, Sinéctica became part of the academic activities of the Department of Education.

With the publication of issue number 20, Sinéctica inaugurated a new image of the journal, and Alejandra García Bado was welcomed as editor in chief. In 2007, the journal began a restructuring process that sought to incorporate the use of new information technologies. These efforts resulted in the creation of Sinéctica’s digital format.

Sinéctica has established itself as an academic journal of education. Its biannual publication, the collaboration of national and international authors, the presentation of graphic material that is increasingly attractive for the reader, have assured it a prominent place within Mexico’s editorial and educational field. It is noteworthy how Sinéctica has evolved from the student project that gave it life to a respected academic publication.

Since 2016, and under the direction of Dr. Claudia Arufe, Sinéctica has begun the migration of the electronic website to the OJS platform, and by the objective of internationalizing its scope with respect to authors and readers.

Starting in 2017, Sinéctica entered a new stage: The journal’s editorial and budgetary processes were transferred to ITESO’s Publications Office, and the figure of journal director, including the public relations process and content management, fell to Dr. Luis Felipe Gómez, of ITESO’s Department of Psychology, Education and Health. In 2021, Dr. María Guadalupe Valdés Durán was appointed as Sinéctica’s new director.