Experiences of student participation in contexts of crisis from an intercultural perspective
participation, crisis, interculturalityAbstract
The social crisis in Chile that triggered the “social outbreak” at the end of 2019, produced the momentary closure of schools and the reorganization of daily life for a large part of the population. In this framework, this research sought to understand the experience lived from the voice of primary school students from a Chilean public school, framed in a two-year participatory action research (PAR) process with the coexistence team of said establishment. Participatory workshops and semi-structured interviews were held with students from 5th to 8th grade, which were analyzed from an intercultural and participatory approach. The results showed that the school closing experience had negative consequences for the students, and that when it reopened, it was constituted as a protective space that allowed the student body to face the social crisis collectively among peers: recognizing their personal and collective resources as actors social, wishing for more play spaces and greater participation as political subjects within the school. It is concluded regarding the relevance of these results in the context of the current situation due to COVID-19, especially regarding the need to promote intercultural mediations, student participation and emotional accompaniment within the context of crisis.
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