Basic research competence. A didactic strategy for the digital age
basic research competence, content curation, formative research, higher educationAbstract
This article proposes a characterization of the basic research competence and presents the results of the implementation of a didactic formative research strategy whose purpose is to achieve afore mentioned competence. This is a general and flexible strategy, articulated under the methodology of formative projects in which the content curation activity was incorporated to optimize the management of digital information, a fundamental aspect of the basic research competence. Three groups of students from different disciplines in education and three teachers participated in the implementationof the strategy, obtaining positive results in all the competence indicators. In addition, in the statistical analysis of the experiences and differences were identified. These indicate strengths and weaknesses in the implementation, which can be solved by teachers, while improving their skills in the use of tools and increasing their interaction with students in the online activities.
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